devote yourself to your community around you & devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
mitch albom
in the words of the legend, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR, "everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. you don't have to have a college degree to serve. you don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. you only need a heart full of grace. a soul generated by love."
today we honor his memory...his legacy. "darkness can't drive out darkness; only light can do that. hatred can't drive out hatred; only LOVE can do that." #mlk #mlkday "let us feed the hungry, house the homeless, stop the killing, and provide medicine for the sick. when we have accomplished that, we can sit around and argue religion." #feedthehungry #loveyourneighbor #priorities #dowhatsright
we are always touched by the number of pastors and missionaries we meet that want to follow Christ's teachings and example...His compassionate, loving and healing encounters with people in need (i.e; everyone). He fed the hungry, physically and spiritually...healed the sick...showed us how to and He loved ALL. Ironically...when He did speak harshly or words of rebuke it was for the "religious" leaders...the ones that were caught up in religion and distracted from what it really means to BE a Christian. So while we encourage everyone to read the study take it all in...please remember the most important commands of all: "Jesus answered, 'love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' this is the greatest and most important commandment. the second most important commandment is like it: 'love your neighbor as you love yourself." matthew 22.37-39 we live in a messed up desperate world. a world that needs more and shelter. Jesus asked us to make that our put HIM first...and to love others second...above all else. let's do our part as human neighbors simply caring for each other. we must be ready to learn from one another...not claiming that we alone possess all the truth and that somehow we have a corner on GOD. desmond tutu
#desmondtutu |
August 2022